Saturday, August 13, 2016

Donald Trumped!

Eddie Iroh added a post from August 5 to his timeline.
August 5
Did u watch Donald Trump's rally today? After a week of cleaning up after their boss Trump's handlers wantaed him to stay on the message in an effort to rescue him from his acute case of Foot-in-Mouth disease. They gave him speaking notes to read from so that he doesn't wander off and make more costly gaffes But, to borrow his catchphrase, the whole thing turned out to be a disaster! It was hurtful to see a candidate for the most powerful political office in the world painfu...lly, grimly grinding out words like a patient in a dentist's chair! Trump reminds me of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, an amiable political buffoon who was tolerated publicly by his peers but was privately regarded with benign condescension.
Trump if elected will dumb down the American Presidency and turn the Oval Office into a studio set for reality television. Americans will be in for very entertaining times.

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