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Monday, December 26, 2016


I just watched a very sad and disturbing video of our soldiers on the war front begging their President and Commander in Chief to provide them with food and water. They did this through footage which was shot on their cell phone cameras and released as a short video on social media.
They were desperate, angry and very loud and some of them were shedding tears about their deep frustration and sorry plight.
We saw the lifeless bodies of at least two of them who had apparantly died, not of bullet wounds, but of exhaustion, starvation and lack of water.
We saw and heard others as they were slowly dying and we heard their heavy panting and deep groans. We also heard and saw the anger, aggression, loud lamentations and startling complaints from the troops, one of whom had the courage to film the whole thing.
He and at least three of his colleagues appealed to those of us that were watching the video on social media to let the President know what they are going through. It was very moving and even the most hardened heart would have melted whilst watching that video.
This was a heart-breaking and pathetic scene. These young soldiers had just won a major battle on the war front and they had just recovered numerous towns and villages from Boko Haram yet they were not even given water to quench their thirst or food to fill their stomachs after what was obviously a hard fight. How could things have got so bad?
This is the sort of thing that leads to mutiny and rebellion in the military and once that starts no-one is safe and no-one can stop it.
I urge the Chief of Army Staff and indeed our President to do something about this problem quickly and ease the suffering and pain of our servicemen and women at the warfront and indeed when they come home.
In a country with a civilised government members of the Armed Forces that are prepared to sacrifice their lives just to keep our borders secure and the rest of us safe are cherished and honored. Their salaries are paid promptly and regularly and they are not starved of water and food whilst on the warfront and whilst fighting a battle. The sorry plight of our gallant warriors in todays Nigeria is indeed the shame of the nation.
Instead of meeting the needs of our soldiers we are told that the military authorities are sending them to Argentina to learn about cattle-rearing and that they are preparing to set up cattle ranches in every state of the Federation.
One wonders why? What purpose does this serve? Is there a hidden agenda? Is it an attempt to smuggle in the rejected Grazing Reserve Bill through the back door? What on earth has cattle-rearing and setting up cattle ranches for itinerant and vagrant herdsmen got to do with soldiering? I guess one does not have to dig too deep to find the answers.
These are indeed interesting times and those that seek to utterly demoralise, destroy, demystify and demean the essence, ethos, confidence and very fabric of our Armed Forces and our military men have gone far.
Instead of equipping them to fight on the war front and providing them with the necessary provisions on the battle field they are turning them into cattle-rearers, herdsmen and farmers.
What a tragedy!
Yet for our country the picture is even more bleak than that. It is not just the military that are going through hell but the people, both high and low, as well.
That is what drove Mr. Edwin Dico Okugbo to write the following words out of what can only be described as frustration and anger. He wrote,
“Buhari is not fighting against corruption. He is stealing the nation blind. 2015 and 2016 budgets have already been embezzled and they are already moving to 2017. Everyone around him has been exposed already as crooks. Which corruption is he fighting? He is only fighting his enemies to consoldate political power. He is the worst thing that has ever happened to Nigeria. A big scam!”
Harsh words indeed yet there can be little doubt that Mr. Okugbo reflects the thinking of many.
The bitter truth is that there is unprecedented hardship and suffering in the land. There is also injustice, wickedness, persecution, abuse of power, mass murder, corruption, impunity, religious and ethnic marginalization, sectarian butchery and conflict, state-sponsored genocide, extra-judicial killings and massive and debilitating poverty. Few are feeling the joy and love of Christmas this season. Yet sadly this is precisely what the Nigerian people wanted.
At the risk of our liberty, lives and reputation some of us warned them about the dangers of voting for the great evil of Buhari and his APC.
There is nothing that is happening today that I did not accurately predict would happen if Buhari was given power.
People laughed me to scorn, insulted me, threatened me, made mockery of me and said that I was wrong but I have been proved right.
You see the problem is that most Nigerians do not know the history of their nation and neither can they possibly comprehend the obsessive, narcissistic and sociopathic nature and disposition of most of their leaders.
Most of our people are incapable of any form of logical reasoning or analytical deduction that is truly detached from or devoid of emotion and irrational thinking.
Worse of all they do not understand the prophetic or what is known as “revelation knowledge”.
Knowledge means nothing to them and, simply put, they worship and rever money and power and nothing else.
Most Nigerians will do anything, including selling their own heritage, glory and divinely ordained destiny, to have or achieve that money and power or to appease those that possess and wield it.

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