Sunday, December 25, 2016

How To Marry Richard Mofe-Damijo

How To Marry Richard Mofe-Damijo

Unfortunately, veteran actor, Richard Mofe Damijo is happily married, so dump the idea.

But to marry a man like him and stay married, here are steps to take:
1.Be quick to say sorry: It is virtuous to be the first to apologise during and after any quarrel. Winning wives do this always 

2.Be transparent
Money is a medium of exchange and not the controlling force of love. A good wife is transparent with financial issues in a marriage.

3.Learn to cope despite all odds
The circumstance notwithstanding, a wife withstands pressure and embraces the good of all situations.

4.Be submissive
Submission is a virtue. It is what differentiates a woman from a girl.

5.Don’t get overly jealous
Jealousy, though allowed in any relationship, becomes destructive if not controlled. Don't be  jealous of his fans, expect he would have because he is in the public eye and expected to have female fans. Learn to understand his weaknesses and even when he strays, he would always come back to you

6.Settle scores amicably
It’s impossible to have a quarrel-free relationship but a good wife learns how to settle with her spouse on time. Devise ways to settle scores-talk before you sleep, pray together before going to bed etc

7.Don’t shout
When a wife engages her husband in a shouting match, she exposes her relationship as a prey in the hands of third parties.

8.Be wise
Wisdom directs the affairs of any long-standing marriage. A wise wife knows what to do at the right time.

9. Improve your sex life
Don't be static! Learn daily the things to do on how to keep him sexually. An intimacy bond that cannot be broken should be established. Don't see lovemaking as a chore!

10. Look good always. 
That you are married and now with children should not make you lose  your sex appeal. Getting too fat? Shed the weight. Looking too tacky? Please improve in your looks. You are not the only stressed wife, many are and still looking great.

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