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Friday, August 5, 2016

LET'S BELL THIS WILD CAT...Femi Akintunde-Johnson

I am slightly ashamed to write this...but it's better late than never. Principally, I was spurred into deep reflection because of my encounter with a younger colleague earlier this week while discussing the role of journalists (and/or bloggers) on the social media in the wake of the Toyin Aimakhu/Mayowa Ahmed fiasco.
Bottom-line: Some of us have either because we were too busy with private hustle, too compromised with peanuts or too indignant with all the mess around us... we have let all sorts of miscreants, vagrants, charlatans and whatnots invade, proliferate and dominate our ordinarily esteemed profession - Journalism.
I have been told to appreciate how positive pressure used in calm and constructive networking worked out effectively in the case of Terry G slapping one of Jimmy Jatt's associates at an event. The DJs didn't have to go on street protest or resort to violent reprisal. They simply united in group self-respect and non-violent resistance to a corporate insult on one of their representatives.
By sheer power of their united voice, self-regard and group consciousness of survival dynamics...they purposed to stop "playing" the music of an assaulter/abuser of their profession. They threatened to act in solidarity... I don't know if they did, but few days after, Terry G apologized profusely.
And to my personal shame, I was told of a kid music star's deliberate and devastating put-down of one of us whose contributions to journalism, publishing, and more are unimpeachable. For whatever reasons Davido called Dele Momodu "my boy" or such insanely puerile indignities... the bigger shame is that we all (perhaps some coughed) kept quiet!
Too busy? Compromised? Unaware? Unconcerned? Whatever our reason, and without being arrogant, Davido ought not to get away with such patented insult without an indelible "scar" of his foolishness. A wrong to one of us should not be treated with levity - without exception!
But the root of all this, I believe, is not Momodu's treatment in the hands of a neophyte...it is just not that journalists should become moral avengers...it is not to form a blackmail ring to extort or distort the flow of information....
It is to bring sanity, integrity, respect and "truthability" back to our profession, and amongst its practitioners. We need to reappraise the way we practise; to counsel the manner it is being done with the incredible opportunities social media has generated.
We must as a matter of urgency begin a movement to take back our profession from masquerades, charlatans, neophytes, rent-seekers and merchants who think "no be to write" is the main criterion to being a journalist. It is critical in this intervention that whoever comes to equity must come with "clean" hands.... We must desire a change or accept to change - to be a change agent.
For us to succeed and be taken with seriousness, we must assemble ourselves as people who are aware of our shortcomings and inadequacies, and are willing to improve; relearn the basics and submit to ideas and positions bigger than self-enrichment and acquisition of fame or notoriety.
Without being irrational, we must lead by the sacrifice of personal and professional example; and be ready to jettison old unprofitable styles that can mislead the younger generations.... Seniors must behave and conduct themselves as befitting their calling....and the younger ones must express the hunger to re-orientate and aspire to greater ideals.
Therefore, to change long-entrenched mindsets, we also must be ready and willing to give our time, resources and reservoir. However, it's a task that must be done - and I dare say, must be done well and urgently for posterity to speak well of us. Let us start where it hurts most - the social media.
So, who wants to join us? Kindly "like" this note-call-to-action to indicate your interest. Age, experience or reputation is no barrier - willingness and humility are the keywords.... Let's go people!!!
(PS: Please, inbox your WhatsApp number so we can connect and start the journey in earnest... all the best).
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